11/17/18: Couldn’t miss a motorcycle ride on a beautiful day. Safety announcement... we are sitting still waiting on M to get back with gas. #p365higgins18 #greyh #yamaha50 via Instagram
10/22/18: It started with underwear and then socks. Now he’s folding all of his clothes. Glad to pass that chore off. #p365higgins18 #greyh via Instagram
09/07/18: Thanks to everyone for the special Birthday messages, texts, calls, and visits. They all brightened my day for sure. #thankfulforyouall #p365higgins18 #greyh #higgins18 via Instagram
8/16/18: First day of Third Grade and I don't think his smile could be bigger. Heading to #steadleyelementary to hangout with @smashleyarnold #greyh #p365higgins18 via Instagram
8/14/18: It's Open House time again. #greyh is so lucky to have this sweet teacher for third grade. I couldn't be more excited @smashleyarnold #greyhisathirdgrader #p365higgins18 #steadleyelementary via Instagram
8/11/18: Crazy hair and Bulbasaur are heading to the #wildcatglades for some cardboard boat races today. Thx to Aunt Bobbie for the boat assist. #wildcatgladeswaterfestival #wildcatglades #p365higgins18 #greyh #pokemon #bulbasaur via Instagram
Russian bind off takes so much concentration you have to have your mouth open. It's almost time for the #afterthoughtheels Finising up my last #100dayproject Thx to #greyh for the photo. #knitting #higginsvaca via Instagram
Meet #legomadscientist our new friend who taught #greyh about sand stickers/burrs at our campsite this morning. We actually learned about them last night when Michael tracked them into the camper 😖 #higginsvaca #higginsvaca18 via Instagram
7/26/18: Prepping for a little #higginsvaca , he’s taking care of the downloading of #netflixmovies . #higginsontheroad #greyh #p365higgins18 via Instagram
2/24/18: Our first official family skiing day. Was fun but sure wish it had been a bit warmer. G and I were a little chilly this afternoon. ⛷ ☃️🗻 #greyh #p365higgins18 #higginsvaca via Instagram
Our #ericsrun 5K from last weekend. How could I forget to share. Thx @chanti_b and family for staying to cheer us in. Look you are in the background. #running #greyh via Instagram
1/19/18: Reading with a loved one day at school. He picked Michael but since he was out of town then second place (me) got to go. #greyh #p365higgins18 via Instagram