Monday, September 14, 2009

Hobby Collector-ology Q&A's

Found this list of questions on my favorite Twilight/Scrapbooker blog "Scrapping with the IkeaGoddess" and thought it might be a fun post.


What is your salad dressing of choice?
Newman's Own Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
PF Changs or The Red Onion (Joplin)

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Pizza or Guacamole

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Loaded Chicago Style w/sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions (but also love roasted garlic, artichokes, eggplant, and goat cheese)

What do you like to put on your toast?
butter and strawberry jelly


How many televisions are in your house?
too many - 5

What color is your cellphone?
black/silver (iPhone that I can't live without)

Do you have an iPod?
iPod and Shuffle and iPhone - you can never have too many Apple products


Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

What is the last heavy item you lifted?

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Yes and no...yes if it is someday soon but no cause I should be living every day like it's my last

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
No idea???? Kinda like it (Brooke Alison Roberts-Higgins)

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000?
Don't think I could handle it but would try if it wasn't one of those kinds that kill people


Summer Summer Summer

Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day

Day of the week?
Saturday's in the summer are at the lake and all other Saturday's are long run days with my friends ;-)

July or August – a summer month when the lake gets to be perfect


Missing someone?
nope - have seen everyone recently

tired but VERY happy

What are you listening to?
Muse all the time - or a Stephanie Meyer playlist

Current worry?
None that I should really be focusing on - I have no control


First place you went this morning
to check my email before running

What’s the last movie you saw?
The Soloist - makes you think about homeless people and why they are there and can stay that way


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?

Last time you had a run-in with the cops
February - pulled over for speeding and ended up with a ticket for expired tags. I had no idea.

Last person you talked to?
Grandma & Pa Roberts

Last person you hugged?


Do you always answer your phone?
No....but most of the time.

It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Right now...someone who is going to owe me $0.30 since I am out of texts this month.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?
They are already hazel but I would really like green/blue hazel

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic
Diet Cherry Limeade

Do you own a digital camera?
Yes, but need a new one cause it has horrible zoom and scratches all over it.

Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yes, had fish in elementary school and even when I taught 3rd grade.

Favorite Christmas song(s)
Silent Night - sang a verse solo in my 2nd grade music program.

What’s on your wish list for your birthday
Just had my birthday and asked for money for a new Mtn. Bike. Think I might be saving for a while. Have my eyes on a full-suspension bike for racing.

Can you do push ups?
Yes; used to do 40 a night but have been on the wagon for too long.

Can you do a split?
Nope...never have been able to

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Both....never know what's around the next corner.

Do you have any saved texts?
No...should I?

Have you ever been in a car accident?
A couple...Michael put us in a couple of ditches in college and I rolled my car on a dirt road but no major injuries.

Do you have an accent?
Not really...sometimes a little "country" but depends on if I am hanging out with my dad or note

What is the last movie to make you cry?
They all make me cry...even started crying last night when I heard the "Goose is Dead" song in Top Gun last night while I was making my dinner and Michael was watching it in the other room.

Plans tonight?
Training Session, Scrapbook Freebie Searching & Blogging

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Not really...there is always something good going on.

Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
Butterfinger Crisp Bar, Starbuck's decaf-skinny-caramel latte, sunflower seeds - we traveled all day in the car ;(

Have you ever been given roses?
Yes, Michael used to sell flowers wholesale so I got them A LOT

Met someone who changed your life?
Can't pinpoint one person besides Michael of course. He takes me as I am flaws and all - besides, how would I ever choose just one

How will you bring in the New Year?
Who knows; we never plan that until about a week out.

What song represents you?
too many to choose from - will have to think about this a bit more

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yes, would love to go back to a simpler time before technology

Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
Belly button ring and would love a tattoo but how would I ever choose one thing to be on my body for the rest of my life???

Does anyone love you?
I should hope.

Would you be a pirate?
Can't - get sea-sick.

What songs do you sing in the shower?’
It varies, at the moment I find myself singing

Ever had someone sing to you?
never (unless you count Rock Band - but that would be so cool

Do you like to cuddle?

Have you held hands with anyone today?
No, just got home from work at 8pm and am blogging now ;( maybe I should be sitting by Mikey holding his hand instead of this???

Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Don & Jackie at their wedding

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
from college and sooner.

Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Pulp free is the only way

What is something your friends make fun of you for?
Being a control freak but someone has to be in charge or nothing would get done.

Well that was lots of fun...took some time but fun ;-)

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