Thursday, February 25, 2010

Living Vicariously Works for Now

I am so excited...this weekend I get to live vicariously through Tralaine (& Sharon, Angie, and Stacy) running the New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon and Chanti running the Run with the Wind 25K. I am sure missing running those distances and running with my peeps. Tralaine signed me up to get race updates on my phone so I will know where she is along the way and what time she finishes. Can't wait to hear all about it. Wondering if she'll qualify again - sounds like a flat course. Chanti and I have done the Run with the Wind the last 2 years and I can't believe I am missing out. It always seems to be the first challenge of the year and a great course except for the hill coming up from the river and the pack of dogs at about mile 9 or 10. If I was a good friend I would ride the bike with her but that's not even working out. :( Sorry friend! Maybe I can get her man to send me texts along the way - you know "race updates". I wish them all the best.

On another note....I have been keeping up with walking at least 5 times a week, 2.5-3 miles at a time and it is beginning to get more challenging. Seems that walking now causes me to have more and longer Braxton Hicks contractions. They aren't painful really just tightness but as my belly gets bigger (and boy is it bigger) the tightness seems to affect a bigger area and slows me down a bit more than I want. Doctors aren't concerned and one even scoffed at the other for "taking running away" (my words) from me because I was having them so often.

A funny thing is "the boy" is now getting active on my walks. He used to be completely still when I was working out but now it's all kicks, pushes, and just moving all around for a good amount of time. Not sure.... is he protesting or getting his own workout on.

Can't wait to get back out on the road and run. Think about it a lot these days having talked about races with the CRC and others. Still debating next official adventure race & marathon. We did get the BOB jogging stroller (yellow Ironman) in last week and I am excited to take it on it's maiden voyage - but who knows when that might be. Hoping for sooner rather than later.

Run On! ....while I'm walking away ;)

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