Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Recovering Now

Greyson did great this morning. Michael and I thought he would be very fussy due to not being able to eat from 4am on, but he didn't fuss that much at all, even when they poked him 4 times trying to put in an IV. I will tell you though, he did love his pacifier and sugar water for sure.

The procedure took around an hour. The radiologist was happy with the outcome. He was able to inject 2 large cysts and 2 small cysts after draining them. The antibiotic they injected will shrink the cysts by "attacking" the tissue. At the end they inserted drain tubes in the larger cysts and hopefully those will come out on Friday as long as things go well.

Unfortunately Greyson did have to get another blood transfusion. His blood work before the procedure showed that his hemoglobin was low (like when he was born they thing due to the growth). This along with a high heart-rate after the procedure made the doctors decided it would be best to give him some blood to off-set it. Because of the transfusion/low hemoglobin, they also thought it would be best if he stayed overnight in the hospital for observation and another check of blood in the morning. This will give us some help taking care of his drain tubes and pain management as well.

We are still staying at the Ronald McDonald House (Longfellow Building) in room 41 until Friday and will be here at CM in the Henson tower on floor 3 - Room 3 until sometime tomorrow. If you would like to call we can be reached on our cell phones or here a the hospital at (816) 460-1044+3403.

Thanks to all for the wonderful messages. I hope to post more later and maybe some pictures as well.
Brooke (Michael & Greyson)

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