Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why Wednesday - Sick (part deux)

WHY was I sick {again}?????

No running today since I went to bed last night with a fever of 101 and spent most of yesterday feelings as if a Mac truck ran over me (head to toe) and I couldn't' decide if I needed a sweatshirt to accompany my T-Shirt, sweatpants and socks even though it was 89 degrees outside. What is weird is that there was nothing else wrong with sore throat, no throwing up or the other end (ewwww)....just aches and fever. Too weird.

Never have I ever been sick so much in my life than I have in the past year. I swear this kid has brought everything home from the sitter to me that could possibly be passed on. The saddest part is that when I get it he has probably gotten it too. I feel so bad for him when he is sick and he isn't much fun to be around. You know he hates to have his nose wiped and he doesn't know how to throw-up in the toilet yet. Wondering when he will learn that??? Maybe I should shoot for walking first. :) The only good thing about a sick baby is that they sit still long enough to be cuddled and will fall asleep in your arms. 

Good thing is that we are all on the mend and looking forward to a fun 4th of July weekend with the family at the lake (which includes running with the sister). Besides this minor set back I should be able to get in my 4 runs this week and hopefully log 24 miles. Still did crunches and push ups but not as many nights as I should have. Will be better next week!!!!

Run On!

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