Friday, January 13, 2012

P365+1 - Day 2-12

1/12/12 - M: this book, G: no, M: this book, G: no, M: this book, G: no, M: this book, G: (shakes head and smiles)

1/11/12 - Is it the Tickle Monster, Elmo, or Greyson?

1/10/12 - He now really thinks the iPad belongs to him with the iGuy case.

1/9/12 - a sinus infection...great (sarcasm)

1/8/12 - Another 1st - corn on the cob.

1/7/12 - Long drive home (even longer with a hangover)

1/6/12 - The Cotton Bowl...and we cheered for both teams, but maybe the Hogs a little louder :) 
Woo Pig Sooie! fyi - that jumbo-tron is HUMUNGO!

1/5/12 - Sunset on the road and no special effects...
straight out of the camera with an Instagram effect.

1/4/12 - Packed and ready to go to Gramps and Grandmas.

1/3/12 - G: TB, TB, TB (translation=T.V. please Daddy)

1/2/12 - Doing a little work under the hood.

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