Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why Wednesday - Recovery

WHY does it take so much longer to recover from some marathons than others?

I haven't run that many (marathons) but enough to now see a difference in recovery times. After my first marathon I was able to go out the following Saturday and crank out a 10 miler, with a smile on my face. After a couple of other races, I haven't been able to move for three days and then it was pure torture to go out on that first run back. This time I took my normal 3 days off and by the 4th day my quads were ready to hit the road only to find out that their friends, the hamstrings (which didn't hurt a bit on any of the killer hills in Little Rock), were not so ready to get back into it. Still 2 and a 1/2 weeks later (or is it 3), I am just now starting to feel like I may be recovered. This mornings 6 miler finally felt good, was at a good pace, and I could have thrown a few more miles on top had I had the time. Only thing missing was one of my running partners :( to talk with. Oh well, probably made me run faster anyway.

So if anyone has any answers please share.

Anyway....Run On!

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