Thursday, June 23, 2011

Catching Up

It has been a while since I last posted and I wish that I had a good excuse but NOPE....except life has gotten in the way. The running has continued even though there is no Marathon on the calendar for the fall. Don and I plan to do The Berryman Adventure Race in late September but beyond that I really don't know.

Mileage has been somewhere around 24-30 miles per week with putting in a longer run each Sat (8-10 miles). The heat has been brutal on a couple of mornings ~ including last Saturday when I thought I was going to pass out in the middle of the road at any minute only to be run over by an early morning garage-saler. Alas, I made it back to my house with the help of my pregnant friend, Chanti, who I must say is so awesome....still running at 36 weeks (even though she likes to point out she has slowed a bit). She was gracious enough to put in a few miles on her feet and then on her bike. Was nice catching up and having a CRC member at my side {they seem to be dropping like flies}.

Other random thoughts about running:
  • I got some new shoes - Asics Nimbus 12 in wh/yellow/orange (next ones will be wh/yellow/pink-bring on the 13's)
  • Ran at the lake with my friend Jen who I have only gotten to run with one other time since having G. Was good catching up.
  • CRC running friend, Debbie, is still on the injured list and is only walking (in Europe for the last 2 weeks)
  • Have seen lots of turtles, rabbits, squirrels (including a black one), 4 deer, and 1000's of cicadas on my recent runs.
  • Ran a new section of the trail in Columbia when I was there for work last week. Think I would like it more with a running partner.
  • Sister is coming next weekend for the 4th and says we are running 10 on Saturday before heading to the lake. She is under the impression that we are going with them to run the Denver Marathon at the end of October.
  • Michael lost his job due to the Joplin tornado {a month ago} and is patiently waiting for a couple of leads to pan out. This is why we are not going to Denver for the Marathon and I will most likely do a local (OK) one in November.

Back to work now.....
Run On!

*and yes I know I never posted about The Ozark Greenways Adventure Race. I was waiting for a picture to be emailed to me but never received it. Guess I better quit procrastinating and get on that.


Whitney said...

It has been hot around here! I know I'm suffering for motivation some days due to the heat. Sorry to hear about your husband's job and fingers crossed for you guys.

Chanti said...

You're a stud running in that heat. It was good to finally catch up some!
Hopefully we can get one or two more pre-baby 'runs' in. ;-)