My first marathon is coming up in 4 days and I can see the finish. My Zen Running Master, 1st marathon trainer,aka Mark, says that at this point I need to visualize myself running over the finish line with a smile on my face, successful, accomplishing my goal. What a journey this goal has been. I just took up running a little more than 4 years ago inspired by Tralaine, my sister, who herself had taken up running and had even run a few marathons.
My goal of racing in an adventure race was inspired by the EcoChallenge, created by Mark Burnett, I, along with Michael (husband), Bob (friend), and Andy (brother-in-law) have participated in 4 races as a team finishing 3. During that time I raced in a few 5K's before letting Tralaine, my sister, talk me into trying a 1/2 Marathon. She said if I could do the Adventure Race then I could do a half-marathon.
In September of 2004, I competed in my first 1/2 Marathon in just over 2 hours with Tralaine by my side talking me through the whole thing. Setting a goal of under two hours the next year was not such a victorious showing After bonking horribly in that 1/2 marathon last September I decided to one up myself and go for the whole more 1/2's, it was time to push my limits and take the cake. Show that a bonk couldn't stop my natural progression. I picked a race and ask for some guidance from a new friend, Mark, from the Y. Unfortunately, I tried for Dallas last December but had to take a break due to a knee injury.
But now I have tried again and I can taste the finish. The official training started Christmas eve with an 8 mile run in a cold mist and I worked my way up to 22 miles. My runs have been in the cold, wind, and rain, sometimes alone and sometimes with friends and family but always knowing I had support. Recognizing that I have so many people behind me guarantees my success. So I am not just visualizing myself running across the finish, I see Tralaine with me but everyone else cheering me on from the sidelines.....Michael, Mark, Debbie, Jonas, Matt, Mom, Charlie, Dad, Beck, Grandma & Grandpa Roberts, Diane, and Alan and everyone else that has asked why, how far, or when about my running.