Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Wednesday - Chronic Overdresser

WHY can't I figure out what to wear when it's cold outside??? It's not like I am new to cold weather running; shouldn't I know better? When am I going to learn?

It's winter time again and the temperatures have dropped well below the norm for this time of year. I haven't yet headed in to the Y to start putting in my time on the treadmills so that means braving the unpredictable Mother Nature here in the mid-west.

Last week Chanti and I ran one early morning at what the Weather Channel said "felt like" 18 degrees and then on Saturday morning with the temps around 30 degrees and the wind straight out of the north at 20 mph gusts - brrrrrr....Debbie and I thought our faces were going to freeze off.

So what do I do to combat the cold - well....I layer on the clothes. Today the temp was 40 degrees, no wind, and full sun and I was heading out for 8 miles. As I stepped outside it felt like I had the perfect amount of clothes on but by the time I was 2 miles away I was shedding the layers.

Here is what I started with...
And here is what I finished wearing....
When am I going to learn? Maybe I should make a warm up loop around the neighborhood and swing back by after a mile to drop off some layers before heading on for the rest of the run.

Run On!

1 comment:

Chanti said...

Am I going to have to come by and dress you before your runs?? LOL!