Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why Wednesday - Trying Something New

Here's my thought: if I create some sort of ritual posting I will be inclined to keep up with my blog. It seems that my mind seems to wonder when I am putting in the miles and I come up with lots of thoughts, ideas, questions, and more. Maybe I should start writing them down to remember them for future reference. So this is the birth of the "Why Wednesday" post. If you can answer some of my questions please comment; I need all the help I can get.


WHY is there so much trash on the side of the road? Is there some reason that people feel like trash is better placed on the side of the road instead of toting it home and putting it in their own trashcans? Can they just not stand to look at it on the floorboard of their car for one more second and so they must eject it from their windows immediately?

And WHY is most (I estimate 90%+) of it recyclable.... never making it to the recycle center at the city dump? And what % of our local citizens actually recycle? Which takes me to my next question...WHY does our small town not have curbside recycling? Is it too costly? Is our future world not worth it?

So finally, WHY don't I go pick it all up? Is there some sort of "runners recycling backpack" I could purchase (or invent) that has a vacuum hose so that when I run past it all I could just reach out, not even breaking my stride, not that it is fast or long, and suck up all that trash? WHY don't I patent that? I'm imagining leaf blower meets hydration pack ... :)
*images found on Flickr under the Creative Commons license.

Run On!


Chanti said...

Regarding the trash - sometimes I feel like our side yard has a sign that says "Leave Trash Here"! However, I do wonder how much trash is left by the garbage truck when it empties our trash cans? Do little pieces fly out then meander over the city?

Regarding recycling - I'd love to know why we can't have curbside recycling and also why the recycling center has such terrible hours for people that are employed and/or have lives. I remember when we used to drop our recycling off at containers in front of grocery stores in college at all hours of the day and night? Regardless we try to recycle until it piles up too much and we are out of town too many Saturdays in a row. :-O

Love your idea for a "Sucker Upper Pack"!! :-)

Whitney said...

One of the guys in my running group has actually had trash runs where he goes out and collects trash along his running route. Some of the tough he has collected is pretty funny. I like your idea for Why Wednesday!