Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why Wednesday - Guilt

No need for a big windup or back story cause I am sure you can figure out where this is coming from....

WHY do I let someone make me feel guilty for making running a priority?

Notice I didn't say it was my top priority, but A priority. Over the past year, I have tried to figure out how to balance being a new (breastfeeding) mom, being a wife, working, exercising, and spending time with friends and family as well as a few hobbies.

I felt like I was doing a pretty good job of keeping all the plates spinning and keeping everyone happy, but obviously I have made a poor assumption.

I am not sure how, but somehow now my Saturday long runs are keeping us from doing something (not sure what) but something. I have been making us soooo busy with my stuff (running) that we can't seem to do other stuff (again, not sure what). I have been over-planning our lives, but don't fret....because supposedly, it will all be better when my upcoming "adventure race is over and I can quite running so much."

You would think that I run 7 days a week leaving my family to fin for themselves. You would think that and you would be wrong. I run 4-5 days a week totaling maybe 7 hours out of 112 waking hours a week - that is all and I moved most of my runs to mornings before 6am.

I am very aware of my "me" time and the tole it takes on the family and I pick and choose it carefully.

So really, like intimidation, guilt is something you let yourself feel and I guess I need to get over it.

Ok........DONE! I am over it!

(and no worries, this wasn't some huge fight or anything...just something I can't let go of...a few judgmental comments thrown my way)

Excuse my rant ;-)

Run On!


Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

What a breath of fresh air! Finaly someone who has a family that isn't always so in love with their running...besides my family! I'm right there with you. It helps to get it off you chest!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

(I don't have your email.)
In answer to your question on my blog, windows live. email me if you need help.

Chanti said...

Since I know you run most days at the butt crack of dawn I figure it can't be interfering with too awful much! ;-)
I'm sure this will pass. Just say no to the guilt!