Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Packing

After a LONG night under the lights and a heal blood draw at 4am this morning, Greyson, Michael, and I are finally packing to go home.

Rounds were made a little after 10am and the fill in Attending tried to hold us for another day. Luckily the residents that have been working with Greyson since the day he was born filled him in on everything and let him know that we have a follow up appointment on Tuesday with a Pediatrician and there is already a plan to check levels then as well as the possibility of having a home health care person come to do additional draws if necessary. And along with a reminder that we will be back for more appointments a week from now....and a few of my tears, he changed his mind.
So home this afternoon....short term plan is a go ;) Now let's hope for a long term plan that will start soon.

Will update you on how our trip and first night home is tomorrow. We can't say enough how thankful we are to have you all as a support team. Thanks for all the visits to this site as well as all the supportive and loving comments. We hope that you will all get to meet Greyson in person and experience what a great kid he is.

Thanks again,
Brooke, Michael, & Greyson

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