Friday, January 14, 2011

Witness to Attempted Murder....of a Squirrel

*No animals were hurt in this story so you animal lovers can read on.

On yesterdays run, I thought that my life was in danger.... but quickly figured out it was really the life of a squirrel. 

Towards the end of my 5 miler, on one of my normal running routes, I heard the door of a house on my left creak open and then a hand with a GUN came stretching out the door. It took me just a few seconds to figure out that the gun was pointed at a squirrel in the front yard and not at me. I quickly came to a stop so that I wouldn't get caught in the crossfire and heard shots ring out; ring out might be a bit over the top since it was just an air gun. The hand took about 5 shots at the poor squirrel as he (the squirrel) bobbed and weaved his way across the street and up a neighboring tree and then the hand/gun was gone. I waited until the coast was clear and went on my merry way but will make sure to keep my wits about me every time I pass that house from here on out.

Run On! And keep your eyes peeled for squirrel killers.


Chanti said...

Only in Carthage - haha!
Got to be safe out there!

Whitney said...

That's a little disturbing. Stay safe!