Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why Wednesday - pacer

WHY do I always run faster when I run with The Sister?

Day after day goes by running by myself or with the CRC and I rarely run faster than a 9:30 pace. I seem to always feel like I am pushing myself and then Tra comes to town or I visit her and it never fails - we end up running 9's and talk through the whole thing. This morning we even ran some 8:45's when Chanti was with us. Crazy, we never run that fast these days on our own. the totals for the day: 8 miles at a 9:09. Damn that's a good run for me ;)

Wish we lived closer together. I really need to be running fast if I ever want to get that sub 4-hour marathon I keep talking about. I need to start to mind my pace better for sure. Guess that's the goal for next week.

Run on!

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